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No internet is like living in the Dark Ages

  • Post author:
  • Post published:22nd July 2024
  • Post category:Updates

I don’t plan on ever moving house again! They say it’s one of the most stressful things you can do in life and I get that now. The new house is great, but the oven burnt out the electrics, the plumbing needs looking at and, worst of all, I have no internet!

It’s amazing how much you rely on the internet, but only when you don’t have it. It was supposed to go in, on the same day as the move, but there was a hiccup and they have to now dig up the road. Then lay the cable to the house and, in a nutshell, it’s like I’m living in the dark ages.

I have updated the new address for Aarchive, but please don’t not send anything through just yet. I have also upgraded my office and computer, but I can’t set the computer up, as no internet.

Phil trying to cope with no internet
Phil trying to cope with no internet


The good thing is it has given me the chance to declutter and I cannot wait to set up my new office exactly how I would like it. I could never do that in the last place, as it was rented. We couldn’t even put up shelves.

There will be a message up as soon as I am back up and running. Thank you for your patience’s.

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