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Aarchive is moving

  • Post author:
  • Post published:6th June 2024
  • Post category:Updates

I’m sorry it’s been a while for updates, it has been extremely busy here at Aarchive. I’ve been waiting for the weather to pick up so I can get back to filming. Spring now seems to have sprung and I can get back to filming.

The Maiden Newton to Bridport Branch Line

One of the videos I’m working on is about the branch line that ran from Maiden Newton to Bridport West Bay. Recently, I was kindly given some 8mm footage of the line and it started the ball rolling on the video. I have put the footage on the YouTube Channel and there is also a video about West Bay Station.

I am working on a script of the entire line, stopping at each of the stations, Maiden Newtown, Toller, Powerstock, Bridport, East Street and West Bay. The video should include aerial footage of the line today, as well as the stations and how they are now. It’s been a slow process, but the video will be online soon.

Yeovil Railway Centre

Every Sunday, the Yeovil Railway Centre, at Yeovil Junction, has their beautiful steam engines running. It’s been tricky for me to get there, but I’m planning on being there a lot more over the summer, making videos for them, enjoying a day and having a cuppa in the cafe.

Updating the original Aarchive videos

One thing I’ve been pleased about, is seeing the original videos I made with dad, doing so well on the YouTube Channel. The latest of the videos to go up is Plymouth to Exeter: The Southernway. The comments have been so encouraging and I can’t thank everyone enough for watching it.

All of the video I made with dad and getting an update, with new maps, photos and modern day footage. Getting to do the filming is a bit of a struggle, but I will get each one of them complete. One thing I am working on is a new setup for scanning original photos. On a previous trip to Plymouth, I met up with Anthony Kingdom, who has written a number of books about the Great Western Railway.

Anthony kindly gave permission to use the images from his books, as long as the original photographer was credited. I plan on scanning the images and trying to recreate them, to see what the same view looks like today.

Hooe Lake, Now & Then
Hooe Lake, Now & Then


Aarchvie is moving

On top of all that, I’m looking at moving house. I’ve always run Aarchive from home, back in the day, dad and I started it in my old bedroom in our house in Plymouth. Honestly, not much has changed since then, OK, some of the technology has been improved, but the transfer of cine film to video is still pretty much the same.

When I move, I might be offline for a short while, but I will try and schedule some videos. I am looking forward to setting up a new office. Where I am at the moment, I’m a little cramped, so having a new, bigger office, is a good thing.

Thank you again for all the comments and emails you send through, I really do appreciate them.

Check back to daily news from Aarchive Films – and check our YouTube Channel for the videos we have produced.

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